
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Not Worth the Money

Appearance is a low priority for me when cooking, so a parsley garnish is not worth my money.
I tried dried parsley for recipes which called for parsley in the dish.  Honestly, I could hardly taste it.  Definitely not worth the money.
After a rainy Saturday with PBS cooking programs, I decided to try parsley one more time—fresh. 
I'm funny though.  One dollar for a bunch of parsley from the grocery store was still too steep.  So, I spent a couple dollars on a small plant from the garden store and a few weeks from my time account.
 The recipe called for a handful of fresh parsley, minced.
Wow.  First, the aroma of parsley while mincing!  
Second, the color parsley adds just before serving!
Third, the vibrant parsley flavor!
Grocery store parsley is still not worth my money because it is so easy to grow!  Once planted, it needs a regular amount of water to stay green, ready to harvest all season long.   
If it goes to seed—meaning spiky flower stalks with umbrella type seed heads, that eventually fall on the ground—you've just planted next year's supply of parsley.   
Talk about a great return on investment.

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